West Yorkshire Safety Camera Partnership

Freedom Of Information (FOI)

The Freedom Of Information Act requires all public bodies in the UK (such as West Yorkshire Safety Camera Partnership) to provide a general right of access to the information they hold. It came into force on January 1 2005.

West Yorkshire Safety Camera Partnership is committed to being open and transparent wherever possible and providing information to the public proactively. We already publish lots of information about who we are and what we do via;

  • our website
  • local newspapers, radio stations and TV
  • specialist publications and supplements
  • advertising
  • driver education initiatives

It is our policy to publish information that the public has an interest in viewing. However, as we are committed to protecting the communities we serve through the prevention and detection of speeding, it must be recognised that it is not in the public interest to release certain information. For example, information concerning ongoing police investigations and operational matters essential for maintaining an effective enforcement programme.


Information Requests

We would ask you to look at the list of information that has most frequently been requested under the Freedom of Information Act, as well as the Frequently Asked Questions section on this website, these may answer your queries.

If not and your query relates to a request under the Freedom of Information Act, all requests must be made through the Freedom of Information pages on the West Yorkshire Police website.

Public bodies, including West Yorkshire Safety Camera Partnership, have a statutory duty to respond to requests and provide information within 20 working days of receipt of the query.

All information that is held by public bodies will be provided to the public except for that which qualifies for exemptions - exemptions are decided mainly on whether disclosing the information is in the public interest or not.

All responses from West Yorkshire Safety Camera Partnership under the Freedom Of Information Act are copied as a matter of course to the Freedom Of Information officers of West Yorkshire Police, who is a member organisations of West Yorkshire Safety Camera Partnership and who take the lead in FOI matters.
