West Yorkshire Safety Camera Partnership

What we do

What we do

West Yorkshire Police enforce speed limits and red-light traffic signals on behalf of the West Yorkshire Safety Camera Partnership.

The Partnership consists of the five metropolitan district councils of Bradford, Calderdale, Kirklees, Leeds, and Wakefield along with West Yorkshire Police and the Highways Agency.

Using a range of fixed ‘spot speed’, average speed and mobile safety cameras the Partnership works across West Yorkshire to prevent road casualties by promoting compliance with speed limits and traffic signals.

Safety Cameras provide an important operational tactic, and their use is considered where other forms of intervention (e.g. engineering solutions, enhanced signage, traffic calming and publicity) have been applied, or at least considered.

Enforcement sites are determined in line with the national guidance published by the Department for Transport and the National Police Chiefs Council.

The West Yorkshire Safety Camera Partnership launched its current deployment strategy in February 2023. Click here to download the West Yorkshire Safety Camera Partnership Deployment Strategy (July 2024) - PDF.

Read more about the launch of the Deployment Strategy and watch our videos here.

Safety cameras may be used at recognised ‘high risk’ locations where speed related casualties have already occurred and at other sites of concern where there is clear evidence of speeding confirmed by surveyed traffic flow that meets the thresholds specified in the deployment strategy.

Cameras may be deployed with or without the use of speed camera warning signs. We aim to reduce risk by encouraging safe speeds throughout the West Yorkshire road network and not just in the vicinity of safety cameras.

Our purpose is to prevent deaths and serious injuries on the roads of West Yorkshire by reducing the level and severity of speeding and red-light offences and to improve driving standards through education and enforcement.

In 2022 there were 62 people killed and over 5000 injured in collisions on the roads in West Yorkshire. Excessive or inappropriate speed is a known risk factor in collisions, and many are entirely preventable.

West Yorkshire Safety Camera Partnership working together with the West Yorkshire Safe Roads Partnership is committed to preventing all avoidable road deaths as part of the Vision Zero ambition.

Vision Zero is a strategy being introduced in West Yorkshire with the overarching aim of eliminating all traffic fatalities and severe injuries, while increasing safe, healthy, equitable mobility for all road users.

The Safety Camera Partnership promotes safe speeds by enforcing speed limits across the road network at known casualty hotspots and at other locations where there is evidence of risk associated with speed.

The Partnership continues to offer accredited driver retraining options for eligible driver offenders as an alternative to prosecution with the aim of positively influencing future driver behaviour and prevent reoffending. Repeat offenders and those who drive at dangerous speeds are likely to be summonsed to court.


Read more about the launch of the new West Yorkshire Safety Camera Partnership Deployment Strategy here.


Deployment Strategy

West Yorkshire Vision Zero

Vision Zero Logo

The Safety Camera Partnership is part of the West Yorkshire Vision Zero Partnership.

West Yorkshire Vision Zero is a road safety aim to eliminate all traffic deaths and serious injuries, while increasing safe, healthy and fair travel for all. We believe that no death or serious injury is acceptable on our roads and we are working in partnership to reduce road danger in our region.

Find out more about Vision Zero: