View details of the traffic light cameras in the Wakefield area.
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View details of the mobile safety camera locations in the Kirklees area.
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Mobile speed enforcement is established following a high number of accidents and speed surveys demonstrating widespread non compliance with the speed limit. They have also been established to counter antisocial speeding when concern has been expressed by residents.
View details of the mobile safety camera locations in the Bradford area.
Fixed traffic light cameras are used to detect red light or red-light and speed violations. They are installed to address the risk of collision, to protect vulnerable road users and to encourage driver compliance with red lights. Fixed red light violation sites are selected using an evidenced based approach using analysis carried out at by Local Authority Highways Teams. Location surveys are carried out by Police and highways engineers to ensure enforcement is possible and necessary and appropriate to the setting.
Our purpose is to prevent deaths and serious injuries on the roads of West Yorkshire by reducing the level and severity of speeding and red light offences and to improve driving standards through education and enforcement.
View details of the fixed safety camera locations in the Wakefield area.